There is an online Club Judge seminar on the calendar. Please put the word out. Registration closes Wednesday, September 25, 2024...

Club Judge Seminar at US SAILING

10/10/2024   –   10/17/2024     

Enroll Now

There are 11 available slot(s) left


 Contact: Mark Townsend

Instructors:   Mark Townsend

ONLINE Club Judge Seminar.
The instructor is Mark Townsend.

This Club Judge Seminar is a three-session live online program conducted via Zoom.

Session 1: Thursday, October 10, 2024, 5:00 to 7:30 pm PT (8:00-10:30 pm ET) (7:00-9:30 CT)
Session 2: Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 5:00 to 7:30 pm PT (8:00-10:30 pm ET) (7:00-9:30 CT)
Session 3: Thursday, October 17, 2024, 5:00 to 7:30 pm PT (8:00-10:30 pm ET) (7:00-9:30 CT)

Completion of all coursework and attendance in all sessions is required to complete and pass the course.

There will be advance work REQUIRED to complete before the first two sessions. There will be significant interactive learning situations during the seminar. There is approximately 1-2 hours of pre-course preparation required before Session 1, 7-8 hours of preparation before Session 2. This is the course for those interested in becoming a certified Club Judge.

Two weeks prior to the first session the course will open in Canvas, US Sailing’s online learning platform. You will receive an email inviting you to participate in the course from Canvas Free for Teachers, [email protected]. Please click the “Get Started” link as soon as possible to complete your profile in Canvas to access the course materials.

The lead instructor will email you with additional course information.

US Sailing Course Registration Fee: $40. A discounted US Sailing special introductory US Sailing membership is available for first-timers during the registration process.
Registration closes Wednesday, September 25, 2024.